Truthfully, letting go without seeing a secure landing is kind of scary. There are so many variables in our lives that we cannot control, and so when we are able to control some things, we jump at the opportunity; if only to believe that we are in control of something. As a result, we do not readily relinquish control.
As we get deeper and deeper into the year, and I look at the projects that I have underway, I marvel at the lack of speed of my progress. I have come to terms with proscrastination. Finally, I understand that it is just another excuse. Back to the matter at hand. My goals are attainable with detailed planning, hard work, and commitment. Of course, this is easy to say, but resistance is still a factor. "It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on for better things." Theodore Roosevelt.
Don't get me wrong; I fully intend to complete what I have started. But, there is something that, I cannot explain it; the unwillingness to completely surrender my all to a project. I am not making excuses; I am just saying that there is something within that I need to consider. Somewhere in me, I believe that I have two major fears when it comes to completing projects. To name those two things: Succcess and failure. "It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well have not lived at all, in which case you have filed by default." J. K. Rowling.
My biggest fear (in my opinion) is that of success. I know, that sounds a little conceited. But wait, listen. If I believe in myself and in my God given talents, then there should be no reason to move foward without hesitation. A close examination of my life moves reveal that I always pray, plan, and then execute. The pause between plan execute is where the breakdown happens.
Logically, letting go and trusting God to help me implement the plans that I have prayed about and entrusted to God should be the way to go. So what's my problem? I hesitate to let go. Let me make it perfectly clear, I do trust God. My issue is self-doubt. This has to be dealt with in order to accomplish anything I set my mind to. In thinking this through, and I know you realize that I do a lot of thinking; I know at some point I am going to get beyond this. One benefit of the overthinking is that I can tell others not to overthink and get busy taking action. I digress.
I have concluded that there are two outcomes to planning, hardwork and implementation. They are success and failure. That's right. I said success or failure. Which do I prefer? You guessed it, success. Although I am a little ambiguous about it, I still want it. What's the worst that can happen if I fail? No much. I won't make a lot of money, perhaps I will not become well known. Certainly, I would be no worse off. So, failure is not scary to me. On the other hand, what would success look like? What would happen if I became a household name through my writings and millions of people actually purchased my books? Now that is scary. Let me be clear, I would love for that to happen, but it would be a little scary.
I have always been a curious person and there is a part of me that wonders what would happen if I were to become sucessful in a huge way. However, I do consider my life a success as it is. God has blessed me with what I need. I believe you understand what I am trying to say. For example, if you hit the lottery for 10 million, your success will have achieved another level. What would this mean for you? Think about it. Those of you who read my writings know that I am a person of faith and so I believe that not even I can block what God has in store for my life. I am at most, delaying my blessing.
Hanging on to my way of thinking and doing gets in the way allowing God's enabling me to live out the plans that He has for my life. Jeremiah 29:11. At some point I have to relinquish control and trust Him. I cannot see the next minute, but God looked down through generations and made plans for my life, plans to bless me and and to give me a future. The least I can do is to trust Him to let the plans for my life unfold. When I trust Him, He will tweak that the plans that I have made so that they align with His. Wow! How blessed am I. Before you start shouting with me, remember that God has given each of me/us free will. That means I can still decide to surrender to His will or follow my own way. Here is where a decision has to be made, a path chosen by me: "When I have done my best, I must willingly surrender to God and let Him do the rest." It is time to let go and let God.
"Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it." Ann Landers. Letting go may be the next step in God's plan for your life. "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21. You have to know that God keeps HIs word. Trust Him in that. He knows what is best and He does what is best. So, you can let go and let Him take the lead. It will be okay in the end. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28.
With all the preparations I have made in terms of education and training; and believe me I have studied and earned advanced degrees, there is that little voice in the back of my head that whispers, "Are you sure that is enough?" Philippians 4:13 reminds me that I am enough and so are you. Read the verse the as many times as you need to.
Self-doubt is not new. Remember Moses. When God called him to lead the Israelites out of bondage, he tried to convince God he could not do it because he had a speech impediment. God, of course, knew about that and had made plans to deal with it. There were probably some other reasons why Moses did not want to go back to Egypt, but God knew that too. Whatever you think is a problem for you, it is not a problem for God. "God's calling in our lives does not depend on our abilities, but our obedience. Trust Him with your plans. God equips the one who obeys Him. Let go! He's got you!
In my life, I know the obvious choices to be made. Trust in God and show gratitude for how He has already blessed me. Another important choice is to be confident in myself and my plans to completion or I can ignore this and doubt myself and not put my trust in God and let the chips fall where they may. Presented this way, it is obvious to see that having confidence in myself and trusting God is the better choice.
One word of caution, my grandmother told me never to ask God to remove your stumbling block, rather ask Him to give you the strength to climb. She said you might be the stumbling block. Think about it.
Are you someone who is vested in his/her plans? Or, do you need reassurance? Be assured that if you have made it this far in your plans (we are in March), you do not need reassurance; what you need to do is to just get busy carrying out your plans. Hint: Act like you have all the reassurance you need until it becomes a reality.
Do you believe that you have the ability (confidence, materials; resources) to complete your plans without any additional reinforcements? You have done a lot to clear the path for realizing your goals. When you have everything you need and you have the confidence, you are without excuse. Get moving! (In spite of any doubts you may have.
Trust God. Pray about your plans before you make a move. In this way, you will move with agility and ability. Fear will dissipate and you will be at peace. This is an outcome of letting go and letting God.
Be kind, compassionate, and pay it forward. In essence, remember to bless someone else. The bible reminds us that what we do unto the "least of these, you have done unto me." Matthew 25:40 (where Jesus states that serving the marginalized and vulnerable is serving Him, emphasizing the importance of compassion and action towards those in need.
Find out what's preventing you from letter go of your fears and doubts (cast them upon the Lord: 1 Peter 5:7). Allow God to lead you. Trust Him with the outcome. He really cares for you. Just let go and let God. Just do it! The only thing that awaits you is failure or success and neither is fatal. Get to it!
"All suffering is caused by either an attachment to a positive outcome or avoidance of a negative one." JaFree Oswald. Do not get stuck trying to manipulate an outcome or worry about one. Do all that you can do and the best that you can and then let go. In the hands of the Master, it will be the best outcome for you.
Yours, Yvette
Praying that you are monitoring your goals progression and that you are on target. Wishing you great success in this year 2025. God's got you! Know that and be blessed!
I remain forever grateful to you for your supportl. Please feel free to share these writings with someone else. You can comment at vttlane@gmail.com
Thank you and God bless!